vendredi 22 mai 2015

Installing Oracle XE for Windows 7 64 bits

First step is, you have to successfully download the Oracle XE11G file from the website: here.
You may need to register yourself to Oracle website before downloading anything.
Extract the zipped folder you've downloaded, and run the "setup.exe" file from \DISK1\setup.exe.
Note: please run the installer as Administrator. 
Installation happens like usual. You just have to wait for it installing.
After this, the first problem will occur (if it happens), you'll get a dialogue which contains this message:

The installer is unable to instantiate the file C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\{8D6436F9-C040-4885-9DCD-32A8781DC437}\KEY_XE.reg. This file does not appear to exist.

type the address and then launch the "regedit" program
Note: please open the regedit as Administrator.
You need to locate this folder HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT  Installer  Products 266B7A503....  SourceList  Media

Under the name field, you'll find a file named 1--on the same row under the data field you'll see "DISK1;1".
You right-click on it and click "Modify". 

Fill in the Value data with the address you've taken note before:C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\{8D6436F9-C040-4885-9DCD-32A8781DC437}\ .

If you're finished, click OK and close the regedit window.
Return to Oracle installer, and click OK on the error dialogue box. 

Click on Finish when it's done and launch the application

if you get problems launching the application, put in your browser one of these links:

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