lundi 24 octobre 2016

Tips and tricks to prolong your smartphone battery life

Here are the best tips and tricks for you

1. Turn off notification push from rarely used apps
2. Turn off GPS
3. Enable battery saver 
4. Adjust your screen's brightness
5. Turn off vibration on press
6. Tune your WiFi settings
7. Turn off Sync
8. Turn off excessive vibration
9. Turn off auto update
10. Shorten screen timeout time
11. Use static wallpaper instead of live wallpaper
12. Keep your phone updated
13. Turn on Airplane Mode in low signal areas

lundi 28 mars 2016

Optimiser l'arrêt de Windows 7

1- Accélérer l'arrêt des services
  • Se rendre dans : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control
  • A droite, Double-Clic sur WaitToKillServiceTimeout
  • La valeur par défaut est 12 000 (= 12 secondes), remplacer par 1 000
2- Accélérer l'arrêt des programmes
  • Aller à : HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Desktop
  • Modifier ou créer une nouvelle valeur chaîne : AutoEndTasks avec la valeur 1
  • Modifier ou créer une nouvelle valeur chaîne : WaitToKillAppTimeout avec la valeur 1 000
  • Modifier ou créer une nouvelle valeur chaîne : HungAppTimeout avec la valeur 1 000

lundi 30 novembre 2015

resolving corrupted links (*.lnk) on windows 7

1- Launch "regedit"
2- access to this location


3- delete "UserChoice" folder

And reboot.

That's all , good day!!!!!

lundi 16 novembre 2015

MSIEXEC Command lines

Microsoft Windows Installer (Windows 7/2008).
      MSIEXEC /Option RequiredParameter [OptionalParameter]

Install Options
   Install or configure a product:
      MSIEXEC /package Product.msi
      MSIEXEC /i Product.msi

   Administrative install, Install a product on the network:
      MSIEXEC /a Product.msi

   Advertise a product to all users:
      MSIEXEC /j m Product.msi [/t TransformList] [/g LanguageID]

   Advertise a product to current user:
      MSIEXEC /j u Product.msi [/t TransformList] [/g LanguageID]

   Uninstall the product:
      MSIEXEC /uninstall Product.msi
      MSIEXEC /x Product.msi
      MSIEXEC /uninstall ProductCode
      MSIEXEC /x ProductCode

Display Options

   Quiet mode, no user interaction       /quiet

   Unattended mode - progress bar only       /passive

   Set user interface level: None       /qn

   Set user interface level: Basic UI       /qb

   Set user interface level: Reduced UI       /qr

   Set user interface level: Full UI (default)       /qf

   Help information       /help
Restart Options
   Do not restart after the installation is complete:

   Prompt the user for restart if necessary:

   Always restart the computer after installation:
Logging Options
   /le Logfile  Log All error messages
   /lw Logfile  Log Non-fatal warnings
   /li Logfile  Log Status messages
   /la Logfile  Log Start up of actions
   /lr Logfile  Log Action-specific records
   /lu Logfile  Log User requests
   /lc Logfile  Log Initial (UI) parameters
   /lm Logfile  Log Out-of-memory or fatal exit information
   /lo Logfile  Log Out-of-disk-space messages
   /lp Logfile  Log Terminal properties
   /lv Logfile  Log Verbose output
   /lx Logfile  Log Extra debugging information

   /l* Logfile  Log all information, except for v and x options
   /log Logfile Equivalent of /l* 

   /l+ Logfile  Append to an existing log file.
   /l! Logfile  Flush each line to the log.

Update Options
   Apply update(s)
      /update [;Update2.msp]

   Remove update(s) for a product:
      /uninstall [;Update2.msp] /package 
Repair Options - Repair a previously installed product
    /fp          Repair/fix - replace missing files
   /fo          Repair/fix - replace older files(default)
  /fe          Repair/fix - replace older or equal date files
 /fd          Repair/fix - replace Different version files
/fc         Repair/fix - replace files based on Checksum differences
   /fa          Repair/fix - replace all files
   /fu          Repair/fix - rewrite HKCU registry(default)
   /fm          Repair/fix - rewrite HKLM registry(default)
   /fs          Repair/fix - recreate shortcuts(default)
   /fv          Repair/fix - rewrite local cache from source

Set Public Properties

mardi 10 novembre 2015

Microsoft office professional and Visio activation via KMS

1-Open the command prompt with Administrative privileges, click the "start" icon | type "cmd" into the search box ; right-click and select "Run as administrator".

2-type: "cd\ProgramFiles (or Program Files (x86) for other versions of windows) \Microsoft Office\Office14", and then press the Enter key.

3-type: "cscript ospp.vbs /act", and press the Enter key. 

 This will show you if your activation was successful or not. 

If it WAS NOT successful, please check your KMS server or your key.
To change the key, use this command:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14>cscript.exe ospp.vbs /inpkey:*****-*****-*****-*****-WX8BJ  (your key for every product office or visio or project... )

vendredi 30 octobre 2015

resolving folders changed to links

use these instructions:
- "Start"
- execute Command Prompt (cmd)
- go to your drive
- use this command 
"attrib -r -a -s -h /s /d "

10 seconds and your problem is solved.

mercredi 5 août 2015

How to uninstall sccm client

easy task you have only to run a command line  with an elevated command prompt 
"Ccmsetup.exe /uninstall" mapped to X:\windows folder\ccmsetup*** 
(X drive letter)